Welcome to The Real Skinny... where I will dissect some of the myths surrounding the health, nutrition, food & fitness industries in the United States. I started this blog because I am exasperated by all of the misinformation and propaganda we are fed (pun intended) by the government and the mainstream media about our food supply and the fitness industry here in the U.S.

Like many of you, I have long considered myself to be a healthy person. I regularly followed the advice of so-called experts in the nutrition fitness industries about the latest diets and exercise regimens. I exercised almost every day - sometimes for several hours at a time – and I ate what most people consider to be a very healthy diet. I always ate whole grains, low fat dairy, veggies, fruit and lean meats. I counted “calories in” vs. “calories out” religiously. Despite all of my efforts, I was still plagued with a host of issues including excess body fat. My frustration with this predicament – some might call it my obsession – led me to dig a little deeper into the nutrition/health advice I was getting.

My research began with a few magazine articles and websites. Gradually, as I did more independent research, I started to believe strongly that much of what passes for mainstream thinking on nutrition and fitness is complete nonsense. I now spend a big chunk of my free time reading everything I can on this topic – and the more research I do, the more convinced I am.

I am not big on conspiracy theories. I don’t think the CIA introduced crack cocaine into the inner city, and I don’t think George Bush had a heads-up about 9-11. But I have come to believe that the federal government and the agribusiness community have so dominated the debate on this issue that the American people are not exposed to any other line of thinking. And where has this gotten us? Americans are unhealthier and more overweight than ever.

I would like to share some of these concerns with a wider audience outside of family and friends - the poor souls who have already been subjected to my rants these past few years. For their sake and yours, I decided to take my rants to the masses. I look forward to sharing some of what I learn along the way as I attempt to educate myself and anyone who will listen about what it truly means to be healthy in America.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sugar is the Devil!

How many times have I said “Sugar is the Devil?” This will be my first attempt to step onto my soap box in a blog post. Those of you who have heard my recent rants about the food supply in the U.S. know that doesn’t mean I don’t get on my soap box at all – I just try not to be preachy about it on the “internets.” J But I decided I had to start a blog and share this lecture with all of you because I think it is important that we all understand what is happening to our bodies internally when we ingest as much sugar as we have become accustomed to doing in this country.

The link above takes you to a super long but really interesting lecture by Robert Lustig from UCSF about what fructose (sugar/high fructose corn syrup) is doing to our nation and the world. He asserts that it is the cause of the obesity epidemic, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, you name it... It's very much in line with all the reading I have been doing in recent years and I thought I would share it with you all. After all, it is a lot easier to watch a video than read an entire book and most of the information in the mainstream media (even reputable dietician and health-conscious organizations) is not accurate. For instance, Dr. Lustig repeatedly says "Calories-in equals calories-out does not work." I was saying "Amen" all the way through his lecture. Fat is not the problem - it is sugar and it's pervasiveness in everything we eat! Some of Dr. Lustig’s lecture gets a bit technical, but the first 45 minutes are easy to follow and (I think) fascinating. If you have the patience, listen all the way through to the end.

He also gives a shout out to Paleolithic eaters, but he does not seem to promote that type of eating specifically in the here and now. He does imply that we are under assault by the food manufacturers and they know exactly what they are doing to keep all of us and our kids addicted to the stuff. It's worth a listen if you have the time... and if you have kids, Please watch it... you will never let them have soda or even juice again. Amazing how bad it is for all of us, especially the little ones.

I would like to add a brief aside to his comments. First, just because you or your child do not have a weight problem, does not mean this "poison" as he refers to it isn't having numerous detrimental effects on you and them. It just manifests in different ways. Second, do not be totally put off by his political leanings. Based on my research, politicians from both sides of the aisle contributed to the events that led our nation down this path of increased disease and obesity. If you have actually read this far into my blog post, thank you – I appreciate it! Now watch the video!

Wishing you long and healthy lives-  

1 comment:

  1. I as well do not believe that sugar is the devil, but that it's all the other ingredients they add to the food. I have found that my body can tolerate sugar without a problem when I make anything sweet and yummy from home. Its when I buy the sweets at the store that I feel a difference in my blood sugar levels. I have been diagnosed as "pre-diabetic", and have been watching sugar for several years now.

    My belief is that the "extra" ingredients they are allowed to put in the store sweets causes my body to not process the natural sugars(whatever form) properly because it is too busy fighting trying to figure out what that object is.

    That can be extended into the whole processed food chain as well. Which is another rant I hope you take on for us Harmony!
