Welcome to The Real Skinny... where I will dissect some of the myths surrounding the health, nutrition, food & fitness industries in the United States. I started this blog because I am exasperated by all of the misinformation and propaganda we are fed (pun intended) by the government and the mainstream media about our food supply and the fitness industry here in the U.S.

Like many of you, I have long considered myself to be a healthy person. I regularly followed the advice of so-called experts in the nutrition fitness industries about the latest diets and exercise regimens. I exercised almost every day - sometimes for several hours at a time – and I ate what most people consider to be a very healthy diet. I always ate whole grains, low fat dairy, veggies, fruit and lean meats. I counted “calories in” vs. “calories out” religiously. Despite all of my efforts, I was still plagued with a host of issues including excess body fat. My frustration with this predicament – some might call it my obsession – led me to dig a little deeper into the nutrition/health advice I was getting.

My research began with a few magazine articles and websites. Gradually, as I did more independent research, I started to believe strongly that much of what passes for mainstream thinking on nutrition and fitness is complete nonsense. I now spend a big chunk of my free time reading everything I can on this topic – and the more research I do, the more convinced I am.

I am not big on conspiracy theories. I don’t think the CIA introduced crack cocaine into the inner city, and I don’t think George Bush had a heads-up about 9-11. But I have come to believe that the federal government and the agribusiness community have so dominated the debate on this issue that the American people are not exposed to any other line of thinking. And where has this gotten us? Americans are unhealthier and more overweight than ever.

I would like to share some of these concerns with a wider audience outside of family and friends - the poor souls who have already been subjected to my rants these past few years. For their sake and yours, I decided to take my rants to the masses. I look forward to sharing some of what I learn along the way as I attempt to educate myself and anyone who will listen about what it truly means to be healthy in America.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year’s Resolutions

It is six days into the New Year, a good time to see how we are doing with those New Year’s resolutions…

It’s a year-end American holiday standard, right up there with wreaths, mistletoe, bad fruit cake and Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rocking Eve.   We stuff ourselves full of sugary treats, fattening food and alcohol for weeks – then we resolve to lose weight when the calendar hits January.  We expect to wave our magic wand and in one day turn all of our bad habits on their head. “It is a New Year with new possibilities after all,” we tell ourselves…

Like many of you, I overindulged during the holidays and am paying a huge price for it now.
I am bloated and cranky and it doesn’t help that I am sick and have spent the better part of the first week of this New Year asleep as I fight off a bad head cold. Yes, you read that correctly. I have been asleep for the majority of this last week.

The reality is I was not very nice to myself during the holiday season… and it could have something to do with the state of my health now. I didn’t sleep nearly enough, was super-busy at work, went to too many Christmas parties, ate way too much sugar and drank too much wine. My indulgences are not out of the norm given the season’s festivities but they don’t make it easy to get back on track either.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to move away from my typical food policy discussions on this blog. With my own New Year’s resolutions in mind, I am going to get a bit more personal and share some of my thoughts on how our physical well-being is affected by our daily dietary and fitness choices.  I’d like to examine what we can do to take ownership over our own health and vitality. For me, the norm is following a pretty simple diet and working out six days a week. I let some of that slide during the holidays – I still worked out, but I ate poorly and didn’t get enough rest.  I am anxious to get back on track – and maybe you are as well.

I will be eating a strict “Paleo” diet during the month of January. Some of you have probably heard of this way of eating as it is becoming quite popular in certain fitness communities across the country. It consists of eating REAL, WHOLE foods that nourish our bodies and provide the building blocks to fight off disease and illnesses. It is called “Paleo” because it is taken from the diet our “Paleolithic” ancestors ate. When we eat the way we are meant to eat, we thrive… it’s that simple.

I am on currently Day 5 of a 30 Day Paleo Challenge. The basics of the Paleo diet include eating lean meats, vegetables, fruit and healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oil while avoiding all grains, dairy and legumes. It’s all pretty simple really, and it’s all about treating your body right.  You are eating healthy nutritious foods that your body was born to process.

I know, I know -- I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth now.  “No BREAD? No CHEESE?”  Yes, that is exactly what I said.  It might seem extreme, but many of these foods actually wreak havoc on our digestion systems. I will get into the hows and whys of Paleo in my next post, but for now feel free to do some reading on your own. I am providing some links below that will give you some more background on this way of eating. And please, let me know if you are interested in joining me on this adventure.

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